What Is Meant For You Will Not Pass You By: You cannot break anything that is meant for you just like you can’t put together anything that isn’t. Let the pieces fall where they may as you march to the beat of your own drum and obey the truth within your own heart.
— Dr. Brooke Stuart

Danny Labadie
sound & movement facilitator

I am a student of life with a love for developing connections with others, the Earth and my true Self. I see self-discovery as an on-going process and I have spent the last several years learning how to be embrace the ebbs, flows twists & turns that this journey can take me on. Investing in one's story is an act of self-love and I am grateful for the adventures that I have taken to get me to where I am today along with the experiences that are still to come. 

Throughout my time as a professional in health and wellness industry, I have found myself gravitating more and more towards meditation and mindfulness practices in addition to movement. When teaching fitness and dance, I often encourage people to listen to their physical bodies and work with them rather than against them, but I have found this to be true with our energetic bodies as well. It's common for many people to go "through the motions" of their lives without true awareness of who they are, what they're feeling or what they truly want for themselves. My work is geared towards creating spaces to allow others to ask those questions and to give the energy and time back to themselves to reinvest in the story of their lives. 

My greatest passion is helping others to unlock, explore and express their creativity and using it to create a space of internal peace and joy. Movement, sound and art are incredible methods that can be used to bring one's creative potential to the surface to facilitate healing and self-discovery. Sound and movement meditations give you the space to find your voice, reclaim your peace and simply Be as you are in the present moment. This all starts with having an open mind. 

Masters in Higher Education  
Bachelors of Science in Health Sciences (Emphasis: Healthy Lifestyles Coaching) 
Sound Practitioner Certification 
Holy Fire Reiki Master 
200-Hour Yoga Teacher Certification 
Trauma Conscious Yoga Certification 
Aerobics and Fitness Association of America Primary Group Exercise Certification 
Dance Choreography Experience for 9+ years 
Body Positivity Coach Certification by BloomFit Training 
Motivational Interview Training (Level 1)  
Substitute Teaching Certificate (PreK – 12)