Fusion You
vision and Mission
Vision Statement:
We believe all humans have a right to growth and learning. We recognize various oppressions, placed on people, that have inhibited individual and collective growth. We dream of an equalized playing field where all can truly experience and unify the gifts each of us has to offer. We envision a road map that is fuller, inclusive, and unifies people through common experiences and discovery of the experiences we have never had. We are passionate about creating a space for all people to understand their gifts, potential, and the freedom to apply those gifts in a symbiotic way to elevate growth for all.
Mission Statement:
We honor the human experience and aim to alleviate suffering by creating support, love, and acknowledging the wisdom gained from education, experience, and learning. We honor by lifting the conditions that have been placed upon us while easing others into creating their own empowered life with its fullest expression.
Fusion You, Inc. (certified 501c3) was established in 2019 by Dana Diller and Cami Covey Doucet. Female founded and managed, Fusion You, Inc. maintains that income, zip code, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or life circumstances should never dictate a person’s path to healing and wholeness. Instead, we honor the right of every human to establish a growth mindset that will guide them throughout their life.
Fusion You Board of Directors
Cami Covey Doucet - Chair/CEO
I believe any adverse situation in life can be turned to our benefit with time, support, nourishment, and the space to grow. I have been through divorce, death, loss of family system, loss of career, so many “no’s’” and being told I would never amount to anything. I have used these difficulties to push up on, gain muscle and ultimately control how I would choose to see those experiences. I have always tried to create the things in life that I felt lacking in my own. Healthy parenting, a balanced work environment, choices, ability to speak and have free thought, and many more. I am convicted to the idea that our life’s are purposeful and can hold great meaning for us as well as all those who will be affected by our ripples. I believe growth, education, human rights, love, and connection are the most valuable resources on the planet.
I have 5 fantastic kids, an amazing family of my creation, a wife who taught me what love really means and self-love that I work daily to master. I am a voracious reader; I love all things water and will forever champion humans who want to grow. I have journeyed through a Masters in Counseling; ten years specializing in sexual trauma as a licensed counselor. I understand human development and am fascinated by it. I prefer the company of warm individuals who understand we are all a work in progress.
Dana Diller - Director
I have invested over 30 years in the energy industry serving in various roles for utility companies and independent power producers. In 2021, I co-founded Balanced Rock Power with my three partners. Balanced Rock Power is a renewable energy development company with offices in Tempe, Arizona and Moab, Utah and solar and battery energy storage projects through the western US. Prior to Balanced Rock Power, I served as a Senior Vice President (Americas) for First Solar, a solar technology manufacturing and energy development company headquartered in Tempe, Arizona.
I grew up in Pennsylvania with a love for the outdoors and athletics. I attended college in Washington, DC at American University and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration (Finance) and then after I started work in the energy industry, I attended an evening master’s program at George Washington University and completed a Master’s in Accounting.
From as long as I can remember, I had a strong pull to help humans who had found themselves in the minority or in difficult life situations. I was a witness to real suffering. While I had the compassion and desire to help, I did not yet know how to sit in the discomfort of others’ pain or to support them as they did their best to survive. I dreamed of a place of refuge for the oppressed, the abused, the anxious, where real healing and growth could occur. In the interim years, I was molded by the experiences of my life and was brought to a state of being where I was out of options and had to find my own emotional healing and truth. Through coaching, community and creative expression, I was able to rewrite false messages, generate new perspectives and create a new solid foundation for my life movements. Truth now had a pathway to my being as cages and walls were burned down. Light pushed out darkness with an renewed opportunity for deep relationships and connection.
As a Founder and Board member of Fusion You, it is my absolute privilege to offer services and education to others that have been so generously poured into me. My ultimate purpose and design are to work in support of other humans who need Fusion You to heal and grow through education, creative expression and the love and support of a coach and a community.
Teddi von Pingel, Ed.D. - Director
I have spent the majority of my career working with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community as a Sign Language Interpreter and Educator. 15 years of that time was spent working in the Video Relay Service industry with a large corporation in direct provider, education and leadership development capacities. I have learned that we don’t always have the right ‘words’ to convey a message but when we understand the meaning and intent behind the words, true connection and understanding can happen. I returned to my education in 2012 and completed my undergraduate in Deaf Studies, my M.S. in ASL/English Interpreting Pedagogy and my Ed.D. in Leadership and Innovation…all in 7 years! I am an avid reader, passionate learner and driven to continually become a better person in order to change systems around me.
I am a proud mother, wife, sister, pet mom, friend, creator, daughter and loving human. I am passionate about connecting with others and truly enjoy meeting new people and expanding my network of love and support. I learned early on, as the oldest of 7 children, that life brings us experiences, good and bad, that shape our current and future selves. My life journey includes cancer survival, divorce, loss of a parent, career change, and daily challenges to my sense of well being and balance. However, I have had access to therapy, coaching, countless books, podcasts, conversations and the support of others to help me navigate and gain my balance.
It is my love for people and a genuine belief that others can transform their lives that brought me to Fusion You. It is my privilege to work with this board in securing funds, developing programs and supporting our mission of providing access for all that desire change and growth in their life.
Karissa Ray - Secretary
I am a passionate advocate for mental health and wellness. The strength and resiliency of people inspires me, and I believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to pursue their own wellness. I am thrilled to work with Fusion You, INC and be a part of helping others have access to resources to help heal and thrive.
My own healing journey began when my mom brought home a blue yoga mat. Through my time spent on this mat (which I still own and practice on), I’ve found that yoga gives me the opportunity to calm my mind, explore my feelings, and connect with my inner strength. As my yoga practice has deepened, I have pursued other forms of healing and now seek to give back to individuals and communities.
I am a champion of the individual and believe that each person has the power to positively impact their personal circles and communities. I am committed to working with and supporting others to create a world where everyone can learn and develop skills for a healthy and fulfilling life.
EsarJohnly Divinagracia - Director
I’m a first-generation Filipino American, who grew up with dual identities. As a child of immigrants in the U.S., I was quickly made aware that our identities and associations affect how we’re treated under the law. As such, my upbringing serves as one the core motivations toward my desire to work in law and policy. After receiving my bachelor’s in International Business and Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice and clerking under a few Arizona judges, I realized effectuating change on a deeper level requires a better understanding of the laws that impact us as a whole. Now, I’m a third year law student attending ASU’s Sandra Day O’ Connor and work in various areas of litigation, public law, and criminal law. My hope is to work in the Attorney General’s office and continue helping the underserved communities I grew up around. Naturally, law school is rigorous and brings stress in perpetual waves. Add life’s unexpected tribulations and it has the potential to challenge everything you thought you were so sure of. That’s exactly what happened to me.
“Come as you are” is the mantra I adopted when I began my journey at Fusion You and House of Clay. This phrase carries significance because it encouraged me to join Fusion You during a time when my emotional tolerance felt drained, my physical health was deteriorated, and my sense of self was overcome with indifference.
Someone near and dear to me recommended Fusion You and told me to apply. I’m grateful they did because the program brought people into my life that were integral in restoring my faith.
The Fusion You program gave me a chance to look inward at the chaos and disarray we all feel from time to time and provided a unique space to confront it. More so, it provided a community of support to help as I did so. Self reflection felt less like of a task and more like a journey because this program constantly reminds you there’s no set pace on how fast you need to heal or grow. I firmly believe everyone in this program serves to facilitate growth, discovery, and embrace the changes that come into our lives, however challenging or unexpected they may be. My participation in this program helped cultivate clarity in my heart during a time in my life where I felt truly lost.
I am fortunate to have been part of Fusion You. Though my time with the program has since ended, I’m thankful to continue being part of this family. I encourage anyone who’s seeking to make changes within themselves but don’t quite know where to begin, start here and come as you are.