Be who you needed when you were younger
— Ayesha Siddiqi

Jenn Blanco (She/her)
Operations Director

  • accept yourself as a work in progress the continue to build yourself into the person you’re dreaming to be;the person you have all the potential to be. accept your flaws, accept your truths. accept your past. and make light of them. no one can tear you down if you make peace with who you are and where you’ve been. if you are going to focus on the negative at all, focus on turning them into positives. focus on growing. sometimes, often times, our minds are the scariest place to sit. it’ll trick you into comparing yourself to others and it’ll trick you into believing you aren’t good enough. but you are. you have always been and you always will be. you’re much more powerful when you believe in yourself. if you don’t love all of you, who will? give yourself time to blossom.

    -Reyna B

The House of Clay is a place where individuals can come to reconnect- with ourselves, our community, our inner child, a loved one, our environment, maybe even with our own piece of mind. We have a predisposition to believe this life “is what it is”. We’re conditioned to follow the rules and somehow forget we’re allowed to have boundaries; both mentally and physically. We’re allowed to follow our ambitions. We’re allowed to chase our full potential. When that lightbulb finally comes on the whole world shifts. Everyone is different. Including you.

At 19 I became a mom and spent the better part of the last decade and some years conforming to what the world and what my family considered being a mom and matriarch is. After over a decade of putting myself at the bottom of the totem pole, I hit a landmark in my life where I decided to reclaim what and who I considered myself to actually be. My lightbulb? The goals, dreams, and ambitions I see from my 2 wonderful, inventive, and, empowered pre/young teenagers. I am different now and whoever comes from the end of this life time is who I am and was always supposed to be.

Being with the House of Clay I am committed to offering ways to empower the voices of anyone who cannot for themselves- adult, elderly, or child. I am a Champion for those who feel unheard, underappreciated, and/or unsatisfied with their present self.

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, journaling, cognitive and behavioral science, & creativity building.