• When you plant seeds in the garden, you don't really dig them up every day to see if they sprouted yet. Simply water them. You clear away the weeds, you know in time that your seeds will grow. And similarly, just do your daily practice. Cultivate a kind heart, abandon impatience, and instead be content creating the causes for goodness. The results will come when they're ready.

I spent 17 years of my life as an RN. The first half helping women birth and bring babies into the world and the second half in Hospice, helping people leave. I’ve been with hundreds of people coming in and going out of the world and it feels like a huge part of my life’s work.

Over a decade ago,  I changed the flow of my life to learn a new language of healing. I had outgrown the myopic scope of western medicine and began searching for more holistic paths to helping people heal. From my first Polarity session, I received in 2008...I was hooked! It was a feeling of coming home to myself in a way I hadn’t ever experienced.

The positive life changes that ensued sparked my full devotion to understanding this work and ultimately teaching Polarity and Craniosacral Therapy in addition to offering private sessions and workshops. 

Polarity therapy is based on the premise that we are fields of pulsating Life Energy made of the five elements that are expressed through our chakra system. When our thoughts, emotions, and/or physical body are out of alignment with the energy necessary to meet a life challenge, an energy imbalance manifests as physical, mental, or emotional discomfort or pain. 

Polarity is a holistic modality that utilizes bodywork, energywork, nutrition, communication, sound healing, and even yoga-like exercises to assist our learning, growing, and healing process. 

I continue to work with babies, mamas and people facing end of life/dying but I also love working with all ages and walks of life- especially during times of transition: moving into a new season or chapter, opening up to something different.

I am so honored to offer sessions combining both Craniosacral and Polarity Therapy which are clothed modalities that usually involve specific dialogue and  bodywork on a massage table. I invite you to come for a session today.

I look forward to holding space and supporting you wherever you’re at, body, mind, and soul. 

Registered Polarity Practitioner (2008)
Licensed Massage Therapist (2008)
1000 hr Yoga Certification (2002)
End of Life Doula and Birth Doula
Director of a 50 acre nonprofit organic farm that supplied local food banks in central Tx.
TEDx Talk on Juicing/Holistic Nutrition
Opened 2 Cold Pressed Juice Companies in AZ
Registered Nurse (17 yrs total: 9 yrs Labor and Delivery and 8 yrs Hospice)