“There’s nowhere you can be that isn’t where you’re meant to be.”
sarah flower
Nutrition coach, energy processor, Pre & post natal yoga instructor
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My whole life has been a journey of uncovering who I really am and accepting and appreciating the path that has led me to exactly where I am now. Each challenge has brought me lessons to last many lifetimes. I’ve learned to find growth and beauty no matter what situation crosses my path.
I learned these lessons by listening to my own intuition, saying yes to the things I want (and no to those I do not want in my life), and by following the pretty lights - the things that catch my eye, that make me look twice, think twice, and inspire me to create my own vision of beauty. And the most beautiful thing to me is the vision of our world living in harmony.
How do we get there though?
By turning inward.
When you focus on filling your own cup first, you can overflow your love and kindness onto others instead of trying to fill from an empty cup.
I needed to clean my cup first and start fresh because I wanted to heal from my childhood, so I began connecting with myself in ways I never had. I found nutritious foods, yoga, meditation, and reiki. I realized everything is energy, so if I had the right intentions, life could be different - I just had to put in the conscious and consistent effort.
Before I knew it, I was traveling all around the world and studying about plant medicines and healing modalities from different cultures. Now, I am the happiest I have ever been and am passionate about helping others on their healing journey by combining breathwork, meditation, movement, and nutrition.
We can all live harmonious, happy lives if we get to know ourselves, honor that self, and breathe into it.
When you connect with yourself, you are able to see your connection with everything around you and find a deep appreciation for life. We aren’t here for very long, so let’s make the most of it by getting to the root cause of our pains and transmuting that energy into something beautiful!
500 hour Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga Instructor, Pre and Post Natal Yoga Instructor, Health Coach, Life Coach, Emotional Blockage Removal Breath Technique, Extensive Breath and Meditation training, Reiki Master, Associates in Sustainability and Dietary Cuisine, Associates in Baking and Pastries, Associates in Culinary Arts and Restaurant Management